2011년 4월 27일 수요일

Chocolate bars

These days I've been buying chocolate candy bars. I think I'm addicted to chocolate. Well I eat chocolate once a day and some days I run out of change to buy one. So maybe not addicted but I LOVE CHOCOLATE!! lol I've been trying to buy every different chocolate bar once a day. Here's the chocolate bars I bought for the past day.

Kit Kat! I'm not a really huge fan if Kit Kat bars but I haven't eat this thing for so long that it tasted so good! Btw I was in a bad mood when I ate this so I think it kind of cheered me up. Lol!!

3 Musketeers are my all time favorite! Actually the other day I tried to get this but ended up buying the Kit Kat bar because I pressed the wrong button on the vending machine. So today I finally pressed to correct button. Musketeers ftw!! XD

These are so expensive at my college. It's $1 for one of these! I wish it was a better price like between $0.80-0.90 or below...

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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