2010년 3월 31일 수요일

난 배고파!

Yes I'm hungry! I'm kind of on a diet but not really...ㅋㅋㅋ yes laugh at me. I can never go on diets. I always eat, because food is what makes me happy along with music. So anything yummy to eat?! You know why I'm hungry? It's not really that I'm on a diet (I lied ㅋㅋ). The answer is: There's nothing in the refrigerator. I need to go to the grocery store, because I'm so fat that I ate everything in the refrigerator. I'm a pig~ Sorry there's no picture right now. I don't have a camera at the moment. Maybe I'll update later, after I eat something so that I have strength to update more. LOL! Okay, I'm going to see what I can cook...bye!

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